Hét Hat Club

Söndag 18 Mars kl 15:00

Hét Hat Club, ett internationellt fyrmannaband (trio på Baggen) baserat i Budapest, spelar jazz manouche standards varvat med balkan och ungerska melodier.
Valentin Desmarais (FR) – saxofon
Antonio D’Erchie Jr (IT) – gitarr
Bito Janos (HU) – accordion
Entré: 130 kr

Hét Hat Club has been playing together for two years and has played at concerts, weddings, house shows, festivals, and dance halls through Central and Western Europe and all along the costs of California.
Join the Club: https://www.facebook.com/HetHatClub/
Extract of our album: https://soundcloud.com/hethatclub
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hethatclub/?hl=en